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Which next-generation gaming consoles are best for your home?

microsoft xbox

Microsoft and Sony plan to release new consoles this upcoming year. But which one will work best for your home? Microsoft will offer the Xbox Series S console for $299 and the Xbox X console for $1440p. Both consoles are capable of 4K gaming at 120 frames a second. Sony will release two PS5 consoles, one with traditional disc drives and the other with digital discs. Sony will also release a cheaper PS5 model, with the same specs and performance as the Microsoft console.

Sony Interactive Entertainment's faith in next-generation gaming

Sony Interactive Entertainment has launched a new console that will focus on cross-generation titles this year. While the company has always stressed the importance cross-gen titles, its marketing material is focused on PlayStation 5 only. This U-turn has been noticed by the gaming community. This is a sign that next-gen gaming has gained more confidence? Let's take a look at the problems surrounding the transition to next-gen gaming consoles.

Sony is first aiming to maximize the appeal of next-generation gaming. Bungie, the developer of live-service games, was acquired by the company. The company plans to release 12 games for the service by 2025. Sony expects its add-on revenues to reach $24 billion by that time. But will gamers keep this in mind? Let's sincerely hope so.

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Nvidia's RTX 3080

The RTX 3080 graphic card offers a more powerful performance at 4K than the flagship RTX 2800 Ti. Its DLSS Technology offers excellent frame rates without compromising quality. Although the RTX 3080's price is $699, it's a more affordable option for next-gen gamers. Additionally, the card's design allows for better airflow and runs quieter than its predecessor. The card is an exceptional value with its Founders Edition pricing.

The RTX 3080 is a dual-slot model with a dual fan cooling system. The dual-fan system allows it to be extremely quiet under minimal load. The design is attractive with its striking aluminum fins, second fan and attractive design. Its Founders Edition will ship in December to North America and Europe. It will be unavailable in Europe at this time.

Dolby Vision support

Dolby vision gaming will be possible on the Xbox Series X/S. There are more than 100 HDR titles that have been optimized for the Xbox console. As technology improves, more games will enjoy the improved picture quality. Microsoft began testing this technology in May. It made it available to Xbox Insiders. Microsoft has stated that Dolby Vision will be available for its next-generation consoles slowly.

Dolby Vision lets you test your game's readiness for the new standard. Many games don't support HDR10 but the Xbox One does. In those cases, developers are free to implement HDR10 metadata on their consoles. So if a game supports HDR10 it should work. Dolby Vision can be used with HDR10; you don't need to purchase an app or subscription. It won't be available for next-gen games, however, until early 2019.

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Storage options for next-gen games

Storage will be an issue for many gamers as the new consoles launch soon. With almost every game from the previous generation backwards compatible with the next-gen console, the game library can quickly fill up with all of your favorite titles, requiring extra storage. It is possible to save space by moving last-generation games that require high speeds and advanced connectivity. This will reduce your hard disk space, but it also makes it less convenient to have your favorite games readily available.

Xbox 360 owners need to think about storage space as their console has very limited storage. Seagate and Microsoft created a 1TB expansion slot, but cheaper drives are available. These drives are compatible with older games and software on the Series S, X and X consoles. However, for the most recent games you will need to shuffle them onto an external SSD or Seagate expansion cards.


How many controllers do I need?

Many people think that multiple controllers are necessary to play their favorite gaming games. They believe that they don't need every accessory to play the game they love.

But that doesn't mean you should have every controller. The majority of games today use only one controller per person. This means that even if you have only one controller, you can still play multiplayer with friends with different controllers.

To really get into the action, though, you'll need to have more than one controller. To play certain games properly, you will need two controllers. So if you want to play those types of games, then you'll need to invest in additional controllers.

Is the Xbox One forward compatible?

Yes, but not all games are supported. Certain games will not work on the new platform due to changes in technology and format. Others have not been updated yet. The good news about the Xbox One is that most Xbox 360 games work well on it.

Which gaming laptop is best for me?

There are many things you should consider when selecting a gaming laptop. Here are some considerations:

  • Which games are you most interested in? Are you looking to play first-person shooters, like Call of Duty, or more strategy games like Civilization.
  • Do you prefer a touchscreen or a keyboard?
  • What size screen are you looking for?
  • How much power do I need?
  • How much RAM do You Need?

There are so many options available today that it can be difficult to choose one. We have done the research for your and identified the top 10 laptops that will meet all of your requirements.

Is 4K Ultra HD content supported by the Xbox One?

Yes! Yes. The Xbox One can play 4K Ultra HD content. It can play the latest TV shows and movies. You can watch them on your television set using HDMI cables. Or, you can stream them directly on your Xbox One through Netflix, YouTube or Amazon Video.

Which console is better for online multiplayer?

Both consoles provide excellent online capabilities. The Xbox Live service offers far more online capabilities than Sony's Playstation Network. Xbox Live lets players from all over the world play against you. You can even do it at any hour.

PlayStation Network will not allow you online play unless you are within a certain area of a specific place. This makes online gaming much more difficult.

How many games does each console hold?

Xbox One has 1 TB storage space. This is enough space to store thousands upon thousands of games. The internal memory of the PS4 is 500GB. This storage is sufficient to run hundreds of games.


  • Estimates range from 505 million peak daily players[10]to over 1 billion total players.[11][12] The free-to-play mobile version accounts for 97% of players. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • Sadly, there aren't as many fantastic exclusives on Series X as PS5, at least as of 2022, but that will likely change in the future. (digitaltrends.com)
  • But if he shows something like a 4, 5, or 6, you can stand on pretty much anything because it's likely he will go on to bust. (edge.twinspires.com)
  • Rural areas that are still 100% cable may continue to experience peak hour slowdowns, however. (highspeedinternet.com)

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How To

How can I stream my mobile games with OBS

Mobile gaming is a popular form of entertainment. In 2016, 2 billion people played mobile gaming. These games make up the majority of people's leisure time. However, streaming mobile games requires special equipment such as a laptop or desktop computer, which limits its use. This tutorial will show you how stream mobile games to your smartphone from any device. You'll learn how to download OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), install it on Android and configure it so that you can play mobile games.

OBS is software that broadcasts live streams and recorded video. It was specifically designed for broadcasting. This program is easy to use, and users can easily record and edit videos. OBS supports many different platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, etc.

These steps show you how to stream mobile games using OBSDroid.

  1. Android Devices: Install Open Broadcaster Studio
  2. To play mobile games, configure Open Broadcaster Studio
  3. Get a mobile game streamed to your device
  4. Enjoy streaming!


Which next-generation gaming consoles are best for your home?